...and arrived here on December 31st!
We were met by David and Laura Nelson in Acapulco and got to do some traveling up to a town north of there called Petatlán to pick up David's son-in-law Ben Clark who had been speaking at a youth function. We had a delightful reunion and swift return to the base in Oaxaca, that is to say David made short work of the winding Hwy 200 we call the Costera.
We quickly found ourself on the beach with hundreds of Mexicans enjoying the last few days of their Christmas holiday. Eddie also went out beyond the waves and snorkeled with Dave and Ben, and got too much sun for his first time out. I enjoyed watching all the people, even the vendors were out. I tried to go into the waves but the danger of being knocked down and reinjuring my ankle kept me from really having a good time.
The next day we got to go the church in Cacalote with the team that arrived January 3rd from St. James United Methodist of Tulsa, Oklahoma. After a long and lively worship Ben preached and Dave interpreted.
Ben reviewed with us the excuses that Moses made to God when he was called to bring the Hebrews out of Eygpt. He said, "Who am I that I should do this?" He said, "Who are You God that you should send me?" He said, "Send someone else!"
He challenged us to put aside the past, our insecurities and excuses that hinder us from doing God's will and sharing the Word of God with others. He asked us to examine "who" our God is, how powerful and how worthy of our full devotion and obedience. And then Ben said, "the thing that really breaks God's heart is when we say, "send someone else." God has poured His love out on us, gave His Son to make us whole and make us saints. He has honored us highly and chosen us to do this work, bring the gospel to the nations. *
I am reminded that the missions pastor, Nick Harris, from His Place always says that we are God's "Plan A" for bringing the gospel to the world and making disciples, and that He has NO "Plan B"!
Something else that Ben shared with us was from the story of Jesus raising his friend Lazarus from the death. Jesus knew what he was going to do before Lazarus died. He tarried with his disciples and did not come and heal Lazarus. And then when He knew that Lazarus was dead he went to the bereaved sisters to comfort them. And in their sorrow and pain he wept with them, even though He knew what He was about to do.
That speaks to us in this: Jesus is with us in our sorrows and in our pain, and He loves us and comforts us, even though He knows the glory and amazing things He will accomplish through what we suffer. It reminds me that we cannot say to God, "Who am I?"because He is making us into living examples of His power, mercy and grace. And we are made more able and qualified to speak of the God we know, ready to answer the question "who is God?". It also empties us of ourselves so we can only say "Here I am Lord, send me"
This little guy got up on the stage a couple times to join the band Sunday morning
See Eddie, he likes to hold babies, sometimes whenever I hold them they are not wearing diapers, as is often the practice and, well you know what happens.
Here are a few favorite pictures that I took before we left home.
Little angels Lusana Spitler and our granddaughter Grace waiting for the children's Christmas program to start
Christmas Eve Candlelight service at The Gathering, Eddie is on the right, and you can see Micah leading worship with the guitar.
We pray God's blessing on this new year for each of you. Last year it seems that much of the time I was surviving His faithfulness, and living under His mercy....and though that continues, in this precious time that the Lord allowed us to be with our family we saw so vividly the blessings he has poured over us. This next year my theme will be "Celebrating His Faithfulness!"
*I could not do justice to Ben's sermon, but whenever we listen to a sermon we hear God's word to us. So forgive me be if I didn't express it just right!
Coming soon, our first medical outreaches...
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