Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Lennon Wall in Prague

It has been a very long time since I posted in HeartsforMexico
I have wondered if it was time to give up the dream of my land of promise, and go on to give my heart totally over to my next adventure. Indeed many opportunities and responsibilities have replaced our yearly treks to Oaxaca, including earning my Bachelor Science Nursing degree, dedicating myself to being a grandma and also exploring new means of artistic expression by getting my hands in clay and sitting at a potter's wheel.
Still I am afraid I identify myself as a nurse, and more specifically a nurse who longs to return to Mexico.

I have recently started a new nursing position that gives me flexibility not only in my hours and days of work, but also in what I do, sometimes admissions, sometimes floor work, sometimes floor supervisor.

I continue to enjoy and interact with our grandchildren. I feel that they present a major responsibility to guide and opportunity to establish important relationships.

Eddie enjoys retirement, being a grandpa and whatever he finds interesting to do, which these days is creating things, wooden things, for our shop and property, and running our Riverclay Studio.

My most recent adventure was accompanying my father on a river cruise on the Danube, preceded by some time in Prague, Czech Republic, then from Linz, Austria to Budapest, Hungary. It was an amazing trip. It was during that trip I found myself longing to return to my writing, and so to this blog.

The John Lennon Wall

So there I was, on a tour that would soon take me into the lives of those who lived behind the iron curtain, traveling with my 81 year old father, and many others of his generation, when I walked down yet another cobblestone street, round a corner, and came face to face with a powerful symbol of my own generation.

Nothing on my latest European adventure impacted me as much as this wall. I knew nothing of its existence until I was standing there with my mouth just slightly open in stunned silence. Sure the Beatles still have the most important place in my musical past, but this goes far deeper than the days of flower power, hippies and (for me) the Jesus Movement.

This took me back to the days of bomb raid drills in school, while other children across the planet were starting to experience the oppression of a terrible totalitarian regimen. And as we both grew in the shadow of the Cold War, we sought self expression. I am afraid that I cannot compare the grievances of my adolescent peers to those who bravely painted  their protests on this wall and by doing so, truly took their lives in their hands to do so.

But as I gazed at this wall, I knew that we had shared a solidarity with our brothers and sisters behind the iron curtain, just as we shared in the sense of victory and the joy as we watched the Berlin Wall fall, and then the oppressors of Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hungary and the rest fall away.

All this from a simple ever-changing beautiful wall.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My one trip to El Mosco

Skagit Valley Dahlias

To recap...or you could just look below at my last blog....but quickly, Last February while I was in Oaxaca I felt that the Lord was directing me to finally go back to school to earn my BSN. I am now in my first semester at Liberty University Online, and am having a ball studying Philosophy 104 Christian Worldview, and Theology 104 Introduction to Christian Thought. I have never had the privilege of studying at a faith-based school before, although I have been fortunate to have Christian instructors in not only nursing, but recently in Statistics and Chemistry.

But I must reiterate, I am having a ball, or should I say, I am being revived studying in a systematic manner the truths of our faith. Certainly I have had much of what I am studying preached and taught to me over the last 40 years, but never all at once in such a scholarly fashion.

So even though it has been my goal to tell you about my time in Oaxaca, studying has kept me busy! I am also working part time at Mira Vista Care Center as a nurse. At the same time we are still working at getting our business Riverclay Studio off the ground. And besides babysitting grandchildren and church activities, our daughter and her family is here visiting from Mexico where they serve as missionaries.
Our granddaughter Elisabeth's 13th birthday

Kai in the Alps Candy store just outside Leavenworth WA

Mama Faith and Kai feeding the horses at Stonewater Ranch, Plain WA

Grandson Isaiah, their friend Daniel, and Kai

...Back to Oaxaca
In the two months I was in Oaxaca this year we had medical missionary students from Elim Bible Institute in Lima, New York. You can learn about their studies if you just scroll down to my previous blogs. Since much of our focus was on educating this amazing young women of God we only made one trip to El Mosco. But it was memorable.

La RegĂ­on de Ixtayutla

For me it was a little difficult, partly because I was in pain most of the time, and also because as far as I knew, it would a long time before I visited these mountains again.

The trip up to El Mosco is long and bumpy. A little less long and a little less bumpy than it used to be. Many kilometers of washed out road has been replaced by paving and more than one river we used to ford is covered by bridges. Still, most of the sights are the same, the donkeys and campesinos hauling wood, the same lunch stop at San Jose de las Flores, and the same climb up through the pine forest down into the dry region of Ixtayutla. Every time I look down onto the familiar road and little cluster of hills where I know that our clinic is hidden I always say, "honey! I'm home!"

the entrance to El Mosco

The same faces greeted us, the children are bigger and now we have real showers and doors on the bathrooms (still using sheets for the showers). Lobo, my favorite Mexican dog, wasn't there to greet us this year. I had expected him to die years ago, so finally he did.

The particulars of the trip blur a little, as it has been many months, but somethings are recorded by photos. And then some things I could not photograph but will never forget.

Maybe three or four years ago, I remember Laura starting to cry as she described how one mother said that she and her children had only had tortillas and salt to eat for a month. Now it was my turn to cry.

Susan unpacking the mobile clinic in Yucuya'a

Lorena, Saul, Angela, Leti and Sheila setting up the pharmacy

The last two years Saul and his nursing student sister, Lorena, have been covering the pharmacy and I have been interpreting for the doctors. This is hard, not just because interpreting through three languages is grueling work, but you hear things you would rather not know.

you start with a very large tarp, some rope...

...add lots of sheets and clothespins and chairs, and you have 3 consulting rooms
and a waiting area

Family after family came into our makeshift consultorios (consulting rooms), and the mothers said the same things. "The children have no appetite." "They eat a little tortilla and they get sick." "Yes, their father is in the home. He goes out to the fields, but he doesn't find anything."

After several hours working we needed to eat. We were faint from hunger and worn out. But as we went into the dark little adobe where people were waiting for prayer, we had to turn our backs to the hungry people. Not only did we not have enough to share with the over one hundred people that had shown up, their stomachs would not have been able to tolerate our tuna salad sandwiches.

I stood there, hungry, tired and overwhelmed with my back to them and I just broke down. I have never seen such hunger or such need.

Reading blogs and Facebook messages from people who stayed when I left, I know that at least two trips were made to bring people up to Yucuya'a. To read more about our trip and others after I left check out http://nessblog.com/roca .

As usual, we left Yucuya'a late. I remember the not uncommon anxiety of driving those roads in the dark.

El Mosco
I wonder if I will ever be able to chronicle the changes we have seen in the people and the place of El Mosco. I remember the first church meeting I attended outside, up against the end of the building where we see patients in the day and everyone sleeps at night. Everything used to be so dry, ugly...and the kids we so little, and wild.

Hermana Francisca at worship

Now the baby that was born that week we first visited, Pastor Miguel's youngest, is in school. There is a church building and it is full of Mixtec believers. Pastor Miguel preaches from a portion of a Mixtec Bible that he is helping to translate. And there is an orchard between the clinic and Hermano Primo's house, and sweet smelling orange trees scent the air.

a picture I too on our first visit in 2004

nearly the same view this last February 2010

We saw some of our usual patients. I put aside medications for Rufina and her daughter, like I always did when I was running the pharmacy. I think this was the first time that we didn't have to administer nebulizer treatments to Pastor Miguel and his son.

As I was interpreting for Dr. Dave, we had a woman who was seven months pregnant, very thin, with pain in her lower abdomen. I took her outside to the bathroom to get a urine sample to test for urinary tract infection, and as I looked at the chem-stick I realized that although there didn't seem to be an infection her glucose was at the top of the reading. We checked her blood for glucose and it was over 500 (normal is 70 to 114).

She said she had been to the hospital and they had turned her away. So we wrote a note from Dr. Dave explaining our findings to the doctors at the hospital. Dr. Dave said, "Tell her this, if she wants her baby to live she will have to go to the hospital soon."

Hermano Pablo, Rufina's husband, brought us his brother who had been unable to keep food down for four months. He was skin and bones. He had been to the hospital, given something stomach acid, and sent home. Dr. Dave got a detailed history and it was very clear, there was a blockage that was preventing food from reaching his intestines, most likely cancer. He would certainly die soon if he didn't have surgery. Again we wrote a note to the hospital and told Pablo that his brother had to take the note to the hospital.

I was very sorry that Eddie wasn't there with us, had he been there, he most certainly would have transported these two patients to the hospital. Eddie has made numerous trips to the Jamiltepec hospital 2 hours away. Every time Eddie takes people to the emergency room they are received and they get good care. We think it may be Eddie's presence that convinces them to keep the patients. I hope that Dr. Dave's signature had the same effect.

the man's knee is at the top of this picture, the tumor was below the knee

We had one patient in his 50's who had been to the hospital. He had a large fluid-filled tumor below his knee. When he was at the hospital, they took x-rays and told him he had a tumor, then sent him home. It is likely that he had told the doctors that he would not allow them to amputate his leg, I cannot recall. But I am sure that we told him, that if he wanted to live, he would have to let them take his leg. We talked to Laura about the possibility of finding an orthopedic surgeon at a hospital down the coast.

I never can resist a picture of taking pictures of Dr. Mary Kay with babies

As I recall that last trip, a few things stand out in my mind, that I haven't yet shared. One is that usually at the end of every consults the church people who have let the unbelievers see the doctors first, finally come and see the doctors. There are always the same last prescriptions, and always the same upper respiratory infections and requests for vitamins. And I don't know whether they are always sick, or whether they just need the attention.

But sometimes it gets discouraging, always sick, always parasites. We always people who would soon die if they hadn't gotten to us, who would have died had we not been there. Then I remember, there is much health there, spiritual health. The darkness will never overcome the light that we have been able to bring to these mountains. And Jesus is that light.

Oh, and there was one more thing to tell you, but that will have to wait. I must do justice to that story.

12/12/74 - 3/12/10

I do have a prayer request. We are praying about taking a group from our church to Oaxaca in early March. We need direction and if we get a group together, we will need fund-raising ideas.

Friday, August 13, 2010

I left my heart in Oaxaca

In Mount Vernon WA with our youngest grandson Damien

Well, it has been forever since I posted a blog. In April my email address and all my contacts' addresses were hijacked, lost them never to be regained.

Those of you who are reading this will be mostly from my Facebook friends list, some of you will be new to my blog.
Because you are on FB you know all about Eddie and Riverclay Studio, well here is the rest of the story.

When I left for Oaxaca in January we knew that it could be a long time before we or I made the trip again. Knowing that, I carried a sense of grief with me much of the time I was there. I had longed to be a missionary for so long. And in the last 7 years I had experienced such incredible things, worked with such incredible people and seen God fulfill so many promises.

I did not want to cease to call Oaxaca mine, and I did not want to ever think that the people who had become our loved ones, our family, in Cacalote and El Mosco would be a part of our past.

in Pueblo Viejo with Carmela and Laura

Even now it is unthinkable. Oaxaca has become our other home.

The view from the comedor of the clinic

So when I left Eddie in Washington for two months last January I told him that it was going be a "God and me" time. I told him that I expected God to speak and tell me what was next for me and missions.

And one day in February I felt I understood what God was saying to me. There are many needs in our little area of Oaxaca that remain unmet, needs that have been calling to me. And suddenly on that day early in February I realized, I needed more education if I was going to make a difference.

Dr. Mary Kay, Marcial, me and Vernessa RN

In 1998 I graduated with an Associates Degree in Nursing, which made me an RN. But now it is time for me to earn my BSN (Bachelor's of Science Nursing). This degree will make me eligible to do in the U.S. what I do in Mexico, basically Public Health Nursing.

I must admit that I was a little afraid that going back to school would take me away from missions, but the Lord is so precious. He knows us each so well; He knows how to speak to our hearts.

My patient Hermana Carmelita

One day, as all this was going on in my heart, I found myself in the very humble home of Hermana Carmelita who I was visiting to give wound care. To examine her wound I needed her to move from where she was sitting to her bed, just a simple pivot transfer. But to my surprise she was unable to transfer as before, she was dead weight, but I transferred her anyway. After I dressed her wound I recognized that she was depressed and needed prayer.

As I held her in my arms and I prayed for her, my Spanish was articulate and expressive. I remember thinking,"I finally can speak Spanish and I am leaving". And at that moment the Lord spoke to my heart and said, "I will not take THIS away from you".

My doubt and fear disappeared and faith returned. The next day was filled with joy as began to see a plan set out before me.

But oh how my faith would be challenged in the days that followed. By Monday I was in severe pain, and nothing I did or took would relieve the pain. Of course, transferring Carmelita I had injured my back, herniated my L-5 vertebrae.

Laura introduced me to a California surfer-chiropractor in Puerto Escondido, whom I visited numerous times. Between those visits, Flexeril, lots of rest breaks and prayer I made it through 4 weeks of clinics and a trip up to El Mosco, in almost continuous pain.

Filling last minute prescriptions in El Mosco last February

So to keep this short I have decided to tell the story of my last days in Oaxaca in sections. I will post this now and then continue with the rest of my story over the next few posts. I hope you will read them and that they will help you join with me in prayer as I proceed in the direction I have been given.

Let me say that even though I entitled this blog "I left my heart in Oaxaca" I certainly have enjoyed being home in Mount Vernon. It is good to spend time with our grandchildren and kids. We love our church and continue to build important relationships.

I guess my heart in pulled in two directions and I am blessed to be in love with people and lands on both sides of the border. Amen!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Life with the Elim Students at Roca Blanca

Nurse Vernessa, daughter-in-law, hermana Carmelita and student Sheila at home visit

Impingement of Sciatic nerve, probably...

Well it has been a wild week for me. Mostly I spent it on my back in severe pain. Never, I say never, will I try to transfer a non-weightbearing patient again. I have spent the last week on my back in bed or on the floor, or pacing trying to get some relief from the worse most persistent pain I have ever experienced.

It started with a precious woman who I had the joy to care for. She was homebound so we were visiting her to make sure she was taking her meds and tracking the healing of a bedsore she had developed.

I have really been happy to see that my little training in wound care has served us well with her wound. However the other day when I went to check on her she wasn't in her bed so I went to help her transfer herself to a position where I could examine her. She had been able to support herself before but suddenly I found her in my arms dead weight! Rather that put her back I moved her to the bed. I thought "I may pay for this later".

Two days passed, I was fine. I took a "me day" in Puerto. I took a micro into Puerto Escondido, had Pan Frances at Cafecito. I walked the beach while talking to friends and family on the phone. What a wonderful day that was. That night I noticed a little tug in my back. The next morning it started hurting more, and it all went downhill from there.

Laura informed me that we had a great chiropractor in Puerto Escondido and I was grateful to make his acquaintance Wednesday morning. But the spasms had gone too far, and the inflammation and pain was so severe that one visit wasn't enough. The muscle relaxants and anti-inflammants I was taking wasn't making any difference.

I finally tried a strong pain reliever called tramadol. That only made me extremely nauseous. Thursday night found Laura loading me into the car with my pillow, my water bottle, and my barf bag in hand as I was crying in pain. I felt like a laboring woman going to the hospital to deliver a baby.

Quite an embarrassing sight as I think of it now. We RN's often say, "every patient deserves a nurse" and the Lord blessed me to have Laura.

Off we drove down the winding road to Puerto at around 9:30 PM, in a light rain. She had to drive slowly because of the rain, and a convoy of 5 white semi-tractor trailers in front of us on the road.

The appointment at the chiropractor's was quick and culminated with me utilizing my barf bag violently. I was sent home with some directions to lay on the floor, elevate my legs on a chair and apply ice. And so, after a hard night, the pain began to lessen.

Friday around 5 PM I rose from my bed reluctantly and walked across the campus. I ate a little white rice, took a little ice tea then went up to the top floor of the guest house and enjoyed the cool breezes courtesy of the earlier rains.

Well, that was probably too much information. But suffice it to say, I am recovering, wearing a support belt and being very quick to "lay on the floor and apply ice" at the slightest suggestion of pain.

Elim Students

Dr. Mary Kay showing Bethany how to test for the Babinski reflex on Rosie

Our life here these days has been a combination of student lectures by Drs. Dave and Mary Kay, plus clinical days with patients who come to the clinic. The students sit in on the consults and discuss with the doctors the ailments and finer points of diagnoses.

Sheila using an opthalmascope

I am enjoying the lectures when I can sit in. I interpret for Dr. Dave when he sees patients. Actually, Dr. Dave's Spanish has improved so much, I usually just sit in to help him out with understanding the patients, but this week he was using more English so the students could understand what he was saying.

Me interpreting for Dr. Dave, Kaie and Vernesa

I would like to recommend that you check out Drs. Dave and Mary Kay's blog. There are some good stories to add that I can't write here. There is a pretty graphic picture of a wound that I helped the students dress, with a pretty sad story. But a good warning to take diabetes seriously. When you are done reading this, go to http://www.nessblog.com/roca/ You may have to type it in the address.

Feliz Cupleaños Saul

Saul and his sister Lore, who is a nursing student and has been with our clinic for years

This last week we have also enjoyed a birthday party. Saul, one of our clinic staff turned 30!
We had tacos, iguana tamales, jamaica and chocolate birthday cake.

we had a great feast!

And to add to our celebrations, Dr. Eder who has been serving at the Corban Clinic for, I believe, 3 years, as our resident doctor. Has received his "titulo" which endows him with all the rights and privileges of a physician. We are so very proud and happy for him.

Dr. Eder, Paulina and Nelly

I suspect that if you look back through the archives you should find the pictures of Dr. Eder and Paulina's wedding. Last year they added a precious little jewel to our clinic family, Nelly! She is such a happy baby, complete with her daddy's dimple.

So, goodbye for now. Less than 3 weeks until I return home to my honey in Mount Vernon. I can't wait...but still there are many days of clinic, and classes and patients and an outreach up to El Mosco. We leave Fridays morning. Please pray for my back!

I'll close for now, I have to get the medication shopping list ready for tomorrow's trip to Puerto.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Last weekend’s outreach to Tetepelcingo started with inventory of the mobile pharmacy and a trip to Similares where we get our meds. By Wednesday suero oral (rehydration fluid) was made and the vitamins were all counted, bagged and labeled. Thursday the rest of the mobile clinic was collected and packed. On Friday the air-mattresses were tested, the sleeping bags were counted and almost everything was loaded into Dr. Dave’s truck.

Angela, who looks remarkably like my daughter-in-law Amanda, labeling vitamins

Bethany counting vitamins to bag for the outreach

Susan bagging Suero Oral, that is concentrate for dehydration fluid

Saturday bright and early we were ready to go. Hurray! We were served pancakes and bananas and off we went. Four vehicles and 28 people headed for the Mixtec town of Tetepelcingo. We were 8 Elim students, Dr. and Peggy Smith (a dentist and nurse from Klamath Falls, OR), 3 of the language school students plus the regular staff, including our two lady dentists and their husbands.

Peggy Smith R.N. triaging patients

We arrived around noon and had soon set up the dental area, three consulting rooms, a room for prayer (all made with sheets, cord and clothes pins) and, of course, the pharmacy. We added a triage space for Peggy to help with the patient load, and a couple chairs where students took vitals and weighed patients.

Laura and Pastor Pedro giving meds and instructions to a patient

Tetepelcingo is a good sized town, with the usual concrete and brick house, and a good number of the stick homes we see here in Cacalote. The people of the town differ a bit from the people of El Mosco in the Ixtayutla region in that they speak more Spanish and appear much more prosperous and healthy. They have a more educated presentation as well. We saw very few in the traditional costumes of the coastal Mixtec. They also seemed to be more used to having outsiders in their midst, we were certainly noticed and watched, but generally we felt safe and accepted.

Joann and Correen, the kids and balloon relays

On this outreach we had the Roca Blanca Language School students plus two of their teachers with us. The students provided a program of the children who accompanied their parents to the clinic. There were exciting games and relays, crafts, dramas and Bible stories.

Bible stories in English and Mixteco

The language students are still learning the language so they had their teacher Ruben to interpret for them. Ruben, whose wife is one of our dentists, is a well-educated Mixteco who lived a few years in the U.S.A. He was able to interpret English to Mixtec without going through a Spanish interpretation. Anyone who has worked with us in the Mixteco villages know how very cool that is!

the children were great, cooperative and responsive, here is Ruben interpreting

I worked in the pharmacy as well as an interpreter for Dr. Dave. We had some interesting cases. The one that stands out most in my mind is the 33 year old woman who suffered from seizure disorder and had taken Dilantin since childhood. She had been married, or perhaps juntada(lived with a man as his wife) and had three teenage daughters. Her husband had left her for another woman, and she longed to be able to go out and work like other people.

We explained that her medication could control her seizures, but she said that no one would hire her for fear that she would have a seizure in their presence. She also seemed to be having trouble controlling the seizures and an increase of Dilantin had side effects she couldn’t live with. She pressed and pressed for Dr. Dave to do something for her. She reminded me of the woman in the parable in the Bible who would not rest until the judge gave her justice.

It is difficult to change a person’s seizure medications when you cannot be there to observe on a routine basis. But as she was so persistent we added another anti-seizure drug to her regimen which was to be increased a little each week. We hope that she will come here to Clinica Corban for Dr. Dave to review her response to the new medication in 4 weeks. And we pray that she get the control of her life and seizures that she so greatly desires.

Rosie cleaning teeth and Bethany assisting

The Elim students worked taking vitals, in the pharmacy and with the dentists, as well as shadowing the doctors. They had just had a week with Dr. Alex Smith learning all about dental care.

Sheila helping Dr. Adriana pull a tooth by holding the light, Susan R.N. looks on

We stayed in several homes, and many of us stayed in tents. We were fed royally at the pastor's home. As usual an army of ladies came together to make soup and tortillas, mole and many other tasty dishes. I had my first hot Mexican chocolate made with water and I loved it!

I found these pots everywhere in the village, they were hand built. I was very inspired!

After clinic on Sunday we held a joyous and lively worship service in the street. I was very aware of the neighbors that stood around and listened. I took me back to the time when I as a child would listen to the people in the church across the street sing and wonder about what their faith was like.

I went forward to give a testimony and next thing I knew I was being asked to give an invitation. It embarrassed me a bit, but it was wonderful to pray for those who came forward in response to the wonderful message about God's love.

Spanish student Tim helps with worship

As I prepare to close, I have to mention that I am in an internet cafe as I cannot get sufficient internet service at the base, at least not enough to post a blog. Please forgive the many errors you encounter in this blog. I won't have time to proof read it too well.

I am surround here by the voices of the Elim students talking to their parents and families on Skype. It is delightful. I am enjoying their company so much.
Today is Saturday, Sunday we are going to give a birthday party for one of the clinic staff. We have shopping to do so I will close!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Well deserved pehaps, certainly appreciated time off!

How do we let off steam at Roca Blanca?

Well, of course there is the beach, I have only gone swimming once so far, it is not like I can just go out and jump in the ocean, although we have a few who do. The waves can be rough and I have a particular respect for places where people have drowned. It is better to drive to Roca Mar down the beach or go to Puerto Escondido.

Berta and I spend workdays with Drs. Dave and Mary Kay at the clinic when we have patients. Tuesday and Thursday are regular clinic days when people come to see the doctors. We have had some interesting, and challenging situations.

We see 20 to 40 patients on any such day. Of course we are always on call.

As often as were able this last week, we sat in on the Community Health Evangelism courses with Dr. Jody and the Elim students. Molly was overseeing the students course work through the week but had to go home Friday morning. Prior to her departure we all had some great times. The classes were full of skits and games and lots of laughter. We also got in a few movie nights complete with popcorn.

Add ImageMolly modeling her very cool hairstyle, which I may try to copy when my hair gets longer

Thursday night before Molly left the moon was bright and just one day shy of total fullness. We built a fire on the beach and had one of the best salchiche roasts I can remember. Remember that Mexican hot dogs (salchiches) are served with mayo as well as mustard and ketsup. We didn't make S'mores, but enjoyed roasted strawberry flavored bon bons (marshmellows).

The best part I think was the music. Two guitars and one big jembe were passed around between several talented musicians. I stayed out for a long time, but if I had stayed a little longer I would have been able to join in on all the Veggie Tale songs....bummer.

Spanish language student Issac helped build the fire

Clinic director and language school director Laura and David with Eric, Issac's dad

Bethany, Angela and Susan roasting salchiches
This morning we all got up before sunrise to get dressed and head on down to Cafecito to enjoy their fantastic breakfasts. Many enjoyed the Oaxacan Chocolate filled croissants....but I had the Pan Frances con tocino, as always! The occasion was Dr. Jody's departure from Roca Blanca. She is now on her way to Mexico City where she is going to try to find someone to give her a yellow fever vaccine, and to work on obtaining her visa to Ghana, where she heads to next.

oops, you can barely see Dr. Jody behind Susan!

From there we took to the beach to watch the waves and the surfers, then a little shopping on the Adoquin and then the public market.

I discovered how to avoid buying stuff that though I really want it, I really should not buy....don't carry more than $150 pesos on you! Still, there was one really nice dress I wish I could have...

I found the simple silver necklace to match these new earrings...just got to wait until I feel justified to pay the $200 pesos ($16 US)

Well, I thought a light-hearted blog would be nice. Some thing quick and pretty, so I hope you enjoyed it.

Dr. Alejandro and his wife/nurse Peggy arrived last night. He is a dentist and will be teaching the Elim students what to do when there is no dentist. I also found out that I have to have a medication shopping list done by Monday morning so we can take advantage of the Monday discount day at our regular pharmacy. Friday we head out on a medical-dental outreach to the Mixteco.

Parting words

Eddie says "hi"....I talk to him almost every day. He had a wonderful time babysitting our grandchildren last week. He played dolls (Tinkerbell and Rosey) with Kaitlyn (age 3) last night. He said she really was very verbal and seemed to have a good time with Grandpa. I talked to Amanda this morning and she said that 11 month old Damien is standing up on his own. I also talked to my Sarah and Grace....they are getting so big...I look forward to seeing them in March.

And finally,
I cannot close without telling you about Alyssa. Little Alyssa has been in many of your prayers. She was born in Oaxaca, her parents are Bible translators to the Mixtec people we work with in El Mosco. Her birth was traumatic, she suffered profound anoxia, and the last few years her survival has been a miracle, and a blessing to her family who love her deeply.

Today their home and arms are missing one little angel who has now gone to be with Jesus where she is healed and whole. Please pray for Kevin, Laurel, Kyle, Dani and Gaby as they realize a new meaning to "treasures in heaven", and as they live and survive through the next weeks and months.